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Results Driven Marketing

Digital Marketing With A Higher Purpose

our purpose

In the fall of 2008 our company founder began actively working with church, business and government leaders in East Africa and India to help them better serve their local villages and communities.   Instead of funding this work through a traditional donation based model, he committed to supporting this work through commercial enterprise.   It was from this vision that the foundations of Simplicity Marketing LLC were laid.

There are four primary purposes that guide Simplicity Marketing LLC:

  1. Create a funding mechanism for the ongoing work in Africa and India.
  2. Create a means of creating financial support for indigenous church leaders in lieu of traditional donation based models.
  3. Fund missions projects throughout the world with emphasis on education, clean water and health care.
  4. Provide small business opportunities to those who are looking to further their ongoing work in their local communities.

It is this greater purpose that drives us to provide the highest level of service to our clients and business partners.

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