Tag: internet marketing

  • Basic Marketing Concepts

    Basic Marketing Concepts

    What do you know about marketing? This article is here to help refresh or even jumpstart your knowledge of the marketing basics. We’ll cover what it means to market, the theoretical components of marketing, and key things you need to remember when developing your marketing strategy. We’ll also discuss practical considerations to make when performing…

  • Are You Automated?

    Are You Automated?

    Are You Automated? Are you automated? Are there systems and tools in place to keep your business running smoothly in your absence? Are you able to handle big picture work or are you stuck focusing on the day-to-day routines? The answers to these questions can make or break your business and your sanity. Automation is…

  • Essential Marketing Skills

    Essential Marketing Skills

    What skills do I need as an entrepreneur? Many people have often wondered, “What does it take to start a business?”. Many who consider this question simply do not know how to take their idea and turn it into a means of living. Others see the required skills and back down, afraid that they might…

  • Diversifying Your Business With Purpose

    Diversifying Your Business With Purpose

    How diversified is your business? This can be a very loaded question depending on how you look at it. However, the trials and tribulations of the past year have caused many business owners and entrepreneurs to ask themselves and their friends this question. Odds are, you will ask and answer it very differently from the…

  • Essential Internet Marketing Tools

    Essential Internet Marketing Tools

    Essential Internet Marketing Tools Today we are talking about the essential internet marketing tools that you need in order to successfully run your business. All businesses require marketing and today the bulk of that marketing often takes place over the internet. This article won’t turn you into an internet marketing expert overnight, but it can…

  • Search Engine Optimizing Your Content

    Search Engine Optimizing Your Content

    Is your website ranking high on Google and Bing search pages? Are you seeing the traffic you desire from search engines? If not, it might be time to re-evaluate your SEO strategies. Without proper SEO being performed with regularity, your website will fail to compete with your competition. The fact of the matter is that…

  • What Shape Are Your Marketing Strategies In?

    What Shape Are Your Marketing Strategies In?

    How do you know if your business is running successfully? Is there a specific sign or dollar amount that will let you know? Once you know whether your business is running successfully or not, it can be difficult to determine exactly what aspect(s) of your business is failing and which is succeeding. Often times, our…

  • Making Twitter Work for Your Business

    Making Twitter Work for Your Business

    Twitter Marketing 101 If you are not taking advantage of Twitter, you are losing out on millions of potential contacts, as well as thousands of potential leads and sales. Twitter is very different from services like Facebook and Instagram, but that difference allows your business to market itself in a much different, and much more…

  • 2021 SEO Reminders

    2021 SEO Reminders

    How often do you re-evaluate your SEO strategies? SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process in which you refine your website and its content for maximum search engine rankings and results. Regular SEO is the backbone of a healthy and successful website. Without it, your competition will leave you in the dust. Always assume…

  • Debunking Small Business Myths

    Debunking Small Business Myths

    Nobody is infallible, and no business is free from mistakes. Thst’s okay. What matters is that your business is prepared to assess itself when mistakes are made and to take appropriate steps in correcting those mistakes. But, what happens when your business is making mistakes that you don’t know about? What if those mistakes are…

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