Author: Carl Willis

  • Crafting Your Facebook Sales Funnel

    Crafting Your Facebook Sales Funnel

    How well established is your sales funnel? This article is here to help you understand the basics of the sales funnel and how you can use your existing Facebook page and community to build an effective sales funnel straight from your customers to your bottom line. We’ll cover the basics of any sales funnel, as…

  • Future Proof Marketing

    Future Proof Marketing

    The world of business moves quickly. If you’re not careful, it will move much quicker than your business. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to ensure that your business is not only up to speed with current trends, but that it is also future-proofed against new trends. Keeping your website, strategies, and channels…

  • Making Your Online Marketing Campaign a Success

    Making Your Online Marketing Campaign a Success

    Making Your Online Marketing Campaign a Success How do you successfully get the word out about your business? While there is a lot of grit and determination in going door to door and spreading the news yourself, there aren’t always going to be as many results. Online Marketing is an essential tool in the modern…

  • Busting Social Media Myths

    Busting Social Media Myths

    Introduction Social Media is a dominant force in the marketplace. So why are some businesses and business owners are still wary of it? They feel as if social media is too large of an undertaking, or that it may not be lucrative enough. Some of these fears can be valid but there are also a…

  • Defining Your Target Audience

    Defining Your Target Audience

    What is Your Target Audience? What is your target audience? Who is a part of your audience? Who will your product serve best? When creating and implementing your marketing plan it is crucial that you have an idea in mind of who you will be selling to. Many novice marketers make the critical mistake of…

  • Improve Your Rankings

    Improve Your Rankings

    Improve Your Rankings Whether you have a website for your hobby, your business, or anything in between you are constantly striving for better engagement. You want more clicks, more visits, more traffic, and more time spent on your content. In this mix is one of the most coveted desires of every page on the world…

  • An Intro to Chatbots

    An Intro to Chatbots

    An Intro to Chat Bots Chatbots are a dicey word for many people unfamiliar with their useability in the modern marketspace. AI can be a delicate subject for many people who fear the potential of algorithms to reshape the marketplace and the workspace. However, there are many uses for chatbots that existed for several years…

  • Live Video Marketing

    Live Video Marketing

    How much of your marketing strategies revolve around video? Video is a great way to share information, go in-depth on a topic, and to connect your audience with the real people within and without of your company. Live Video is great way to do all of these things while also creating synchronous interaction with your…

  • Pursuing Growth

    Pursuing Growth

    Growing Your Business Spring is here. It is a time of natural growth, and it should also be a time of natural growth for your business. As Tax Season comes to a close and refunds process, it is the perfect time for you to strategize ways to improve your existing strategies and draft new ones.…

  • Building Social Media Relationships

    Building Social Media Relationships

    Building Relationships Social Media is the ultimate tool for any fledgling small business. Regardless of what marketspace you occupy, where you are based, or what you have to offer. Social Media gives you near instant access to millions and millions of people. That said, because of the sheer quantity of possible connections it can be…

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