It doesn’t take a million dollars to be able to make a million dollars. While this may seem like an exaggeration, it hits on a commonly missed truth. With the technology available today, you can run a business from anywhere, and from almost any device. This blog is here to help show you the business potential of the mobile device you regularly keep in your pocket. While your smartphone may never fully replace the ease and performance of a desktop, it is a vastly powerful tool that you may not be taking the most advantage of.
With access to thousands of apps and professional-grade services, your cell phone can quickly become your ticket to financial independence and stability. In this post, we’ll explore some of the major apps available to new and existing businesses, as well as the benefits of working from your mobile device. This post will equip you to better manage your brand, cultivate new clients, and make the most out of the tools and services that you are most likely already using.
Mobile Priorities
Mobile Traffic accounts for the majority of internet usage. Not only are there more mobile devices out in the world, but they can typically be accessed much more quickly and much more efficiently for a user than their laptop or personal computer can be. Search Engines, Social Media platforms, and nearly all major businesses have taken notice of this and moved their priorities from the stationary desktop to the roaming mobile device. For the customer, this means that most websites are going to cater to the mobile capabilities of the latest smartphones and smartphone apps. For the business owner, this means that many hosting platforms, apps, and back-end services will be working to make sure that your tools can be accessed and managed from any device.
While a desktop is still important for detailed work, your phone can give you instant access to many of the same tools and services in a fraction of the time. If you need to respond to the message right away, if there’s a design error in the new site layout – whatever the issue- you have the tools to fix it or manage it in your pocket. Make sure that you are syncing the services you use on your desktop downloaded as apps on your mobile.
The Classic Phone Call
Technology has made some substantial leaps in the past decade. However, many people trip themselves up by thinking that new technology and services have made the old ways of doing things irrelevant. This could not be further from the truth. While new apps and features do help speed up the process and provide new outlets for marketing and communication, they do not make the traditional means such as phone calls, text messages, and emails irrelevant. In fact, these three features specifically are still very powerful tools for any business. Yes, you need to be taking advantage of newer features such as Live streams, social media posts, and touch-screen web design, but that doesn’t mean you can cut the original strategies out of your game plan.
Phone calls, text messages, and even emails are still some of the fastest, most efficient, and most effective ways to reach someone. Just as you have a device sitting readily in your pocket, so do most of your clients, business partners, and vendors. This doesn’t mean that you need to sit on your phone making cold calls every day, but if you have contact information, you can still do business and make great deals with the classic phone call technology available to you.
Social Media Management
Not only is social media predominately created and viewed from a smartphone, but it can be effectively managed from most mobile devices as well. The easy thing to do is to keep posting and creating new content from your phone. It’s as simple as typing 280 characters into your virtual keyboard and hitting send. Social Media Apps also help you respond to content quickly and directly. When some reach out to you via a direct message, a reply to your tweet, or just a tag in a comment- you can like, reply, and share within moments when you utilize your social media apps for your business page.
However, this is just basic oversight. What many people fail to take advantage of are the back-end logistics and features provided by most major social media apps. Take Twitter, for example. Whenever you open one of your own tweets via the app, you are presented with a detailed rundown of its performance. Twitter can show you how many people saw the tweet on their timeline, how many people clicked on it to view it, liked it, reshared it, etc… Twitter also presents you with promotional options and strategies to help increase your audience and drive traffic to your content. And all of this is available from the regular Twitter app on both major app stores.
If you take the time to dive deeper into Facebook or Twitter, you’ll find dozens of other content logistics and advertising options available to you. Your social media marketing campaigns can be easily run from your cellphone. See real-time feedback and make adjustments from anywhere. If you aren’t using your device as a mobile campaign manager, then you are greatly missing out.
Creating New Content
Not only is your phone the perfect device for managing and promoting content, but it is a phenomenal device for creating content as well. Whether you’re typing words onto a digital page, taking photographs, or editing videos, many of the tools a small business owner might need are available through built-in services on your phone or through free and affordable apps. The truth is that for the amateur photographer, your iPhone or Android has the highest quality camera that you would need for your business’ photos and visual marketing. The best part is that these cameras are designed to be intuitive to learn and easy to use. You don’t need an extensive photography education in order to create content that you can be proud of.
Additionally, smartphones are perfect for creating and streaming live, on-the-go videos from wherever you are located. Social Media is centered around engagement, which means that you need to create content that people want to be a part of. One of the best ways to create this type of content is by going live and bringing your audience directly into your life. Let them see what you do and where you do it and help build a relationship between yourself and your customer. All you need is your phone and a few minutes to record. Do not make the mistake of undervaluing the recording equipment built into your device.
If you need to see how much your company brought in in revenue last month, how quickly can you find out? If you need to see how many clicks you got through a recent ad campaign, how quickly can you get that number? If you’re not sure how hard your sales took a hit during the last month of pandemic related shutdowns, how quickly can you find that out? If your answer is anything more than in a matter of seconds, then you aren’t taking advantage of the technology available to you. With a variety of banking and financial tools already on the market, you need to be using your phone to help monitor bank accounts, PayPal transactions, advertising budgets, and more. Make sure that you can double-check, verify, and reconcile your accounts wherever you are.
Managing Your Website
Many small business owners shy away from website design and maintenance. Many feel that they are unqualified and/or unprepared to deal with that kind of technical stuff. While there is a lot of training needed to build a website from scratch, most small businesses aren’t faced with this challenge. If you are using a dedicated hosting service such as WordPress, Wix, or a variety of others to create your website, then you also have the option to manage your site on the go.
Taking WordPress for example, the company’s app lets you not only view important metrics such as how many site visits you’ve received and from where in the world they are located, but it lets you go deeper and make adjustments to your content and your website as needed. You can view the logistical performance of your site and make adjustments to themes, layouts, and technical changes from wherever you are. Your cellphone is not just a tool for Facebook and Gmail, it is a powerful ally in the name of website maintenance. This is especially true of SEO, and you can use your phone to monitor keyword performance, tweak links, and keep your content optimized to search engine algorithm’s highest standards.
Getting New Ideas
How do you come up with new ideas for your business? What makes you decide which marketing campaigns to pursue, what content to create, or which demographics to target? Many people forget that a highly important part of being a small business owner is education. If you hope to succeed, you need to make a commitment to increasing your business knowledge and acumen on a regular basis. If you are not always learning, you are setting yourself up for failure. Fortunately, learning can take many forms. You don’t need to sweat about pouring over textbook after textbook. Instead, you can focus on taking advantage of the nearly unlimited educational potential of your smartphone and the internet.
Yes, there will still be books and articles to read, but there is also so much more. You can watch YouTube videos that help explain a new idea or teach a new skill, you can listen to the advice of your favorite mogul from the latest podcast, sometimes building your business education even looks like browsing Pinterest in hopes of finding a new visual style that you like. Educating yourself can take many, many forms. The important thing to remember is that whatever form you choose to pursue needs to be teaching you something new or taking your mind in a new direction.
Working on YOUR Time
The greatest thing about being able to work from a cell phone means that you can work on your own time. Owning your own small business or taking part in a network marketing business allows you to set your own schedule and free yourself from the desk. Your smartphone gives you the tools and the freedom to work from wherever you are, whether that be in bed, in your office, or on the beach. However, there is a danger here. Just because you can work from anywhere, doesn’t mean that you should work from anywhere. While your phone is a phenomenal tool, it can also feel like a leash if you’re not careful. Make sure to take some time to unwind every now and then and turn your phone off. The tools and services you need to be successful will still be there when you boot it back up.
Your phone is quite often your greatest business asset when starting a small business. You don’t need to invest thousands in overhead in order to run your business successfully. Rather, you need the right mindset and the right set of apps at your disposal. Take some of the advice given above and rethink the way that you use your cellphone. There’s more to be done with that little rectangle than just scrolling through TikToks. Take advantage of the many logistical and operational tools available that can help you maintain your website, upkeep your social media profiles, and generate leads faster and more efficiently than ever before.
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